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Sacred Seeds Press
Heath's Editioned Books



inspire: inspiration a-z
1st in Alphabet series

an alphabet of inspiration: sometimes words are better fuel than food.
from the Colophon: It started with the word astonish... then awe.
Before I knew it, I was collecting words, inspirational words.
Sometimes one word can change everything.

words, definitions and quotes through the alphabet ...



—hope – desire accompanied by expectation; to trust or rely

heartbeat, take heart, change of heart, to one’s hearts content



3 5⁄8" x 4 1⁄4" handpainted Lennox watercolor paper, accordian fold, inkjet printed text. 22 pages. Price including shipping and tax $27.50.




        All images and text ©2006-2009 Heath Frost. All rights reserved.

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